Sunday, March 20, 2016


Blackberry and I
Hi there, welcome to my Global Initiatives Scholar blog! My name's Katie and I currently attend Polytechnic School. At Poly, I am a year four AP Spanish student, science lover, equestrian enthusiast, and will be Poly's Girl's Service League co-president. I came to Poly in sixth grade and one of the most drawing programs to me was the GIP (Global Initiatives Program).  While in high school, I have taken GIP's Latin America World Cultures class and plan to take GIP's Film History class, GIP's Comunidad Global en Acción class, and GIP's Literature and Science of Disease class. Click here to read about my initial interest in the GIP program.

As for my global experiences, my most recent adventure was to the Caribbean Island of Dominica with Poly sponsored by Operation Wallacea. While in Dominica me and 15 other students conducted research led by various scientists on the island. The research was related to animals, endemic and invasive species, and marine life. The goal of the research was to help support the papers that the scientists would write which would later help the locals to better understand their environment. This way the locals can partake in the conservation of Dominica's wide biodiversity and use it to their advantage. I loved my experiences in Dominica and hope to revisit soon to see the progress made to be a more developed country. Operation Wallacea was a blast to work with and I would highly recommend anyone who seeks an international research-based project to check them out! Check out the blog of our experience there and the pictures below. For my capstone project, I have been tinkering with the idea of addressing how different cultures interact with their environment.

Dominican Beach
Measuring the birds
Crayfish I caught!
This summer I am going to do community service and more research in Baja California del Sur and can't wait to blog about it once I get back. We have been meeting on weekends to prepare and learn more about the culture of Baja. We will be traveling all across the peninsula and the pictures below are a sneak peak of where I'll be going in June 2016.

Isla Espiritu Santo © Glits
Town of Todos Santos © MickLuther

Thanks for reading my blog and getting to know me. Check back for more adventures and experiences soon!
