Thursday, September 15, 2016

September 15th, 2016: Capstone Project Update

One of the ranch dogs in Baja
After some meetings with Ms. Diederich and Mrs. Ramirez, I have a clearer idea of my capstone project. As you may or may not have previously read, I had an amazing time in Baja and learned a lot about sustainability and ranchero culture. For my Capstone Project, I decided to focus on the how having a symbiotic relationship with animals promotes sustainability. In order to preserve the practice of sustainability, it is essential that we maintain a balance with animals. We have to have a symbiotic relationship, which means that both parties are getting something and one isn't just exploiting the other. I want to share this information with students in either the Middle or Lower school because it is important to plant seeds about ideas of sustainability early on. I want to show them that they have the key to sustainability: believing you are a part of the natural system not above it.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

September 12th, 2016: The First GIP Event of the Year

A Nicaraguan kid who a Poly student formed a relationship with

After a wonderful summer of unforgettable experiences abroad, it was hard to come back to the lackluster routine of school. Thankfully, I got to escape the routine to present to my peers and their parents my experiences in Baja. Our first Global Initiatives Program gathering was a presentation by students from all four GIP trips on how their perspective on the respective country they visited was changed.  I was really fascinated with how the students on the Nicaragua trip forged unforgettable relationships with kids despite having a language barrier. The students presenting on Nicaragua also created a video which provided that allowed us to peek into what they called an indescribable and unforgettable experience. Next, the stage was given to the Cuba students. The Cuba students really did an effective job at sharing how their views on the effects of communism were 
Group of Poly students in Cuba
changed. I was really enlightened by their presentations which showed how important art and the media were in their influence of politics. One student shared an anecdote that was particularly touching to me. He noted that after a long day's worth of walking he just wanted to find a spot to sit down and rest his legs. He found a nice shady spot up against the side of a building, only to find his rest interrupted by a policeman asking him to stand up because he was disrespecting the people which the building honored. I found this really striking because it is completely different in our own country.  After the 
The Baja trip students and I (far left) holding the puppies from the ranch
Cuba students showed us our misconceptions about Cuba, the Baja students came up and we shared our personal anecdotes about the Baja trip. You can see my previous blog post for more specific details on the Baja trip. I was ecstatic to have the opportunity to share my experiences with a group. I was really excited about to find out the Baja trip will be offered next year. My contribution to the group presentation was a small blurb on surfing and shamanism. Finally, came the very powerful presentation from the Cambodia and Vietnam students. I was left in shock hearing about the places they visited and the people they met. From visiting the killing fields to the breathtaking Angkor Wat,
Photo of Angkor Wat taken by a Poly student
 I was amazed at the incredible and powerful things they were able to experience. The Cambodian students presented in multiple mediums and one of the students wrote four very powerful poems based off of pictures that his peers took. These poems were then followed by some very artistic films created by students of the trip. I was impressed with the various ways the students were able to communicate their experiences to us. Overall, I was very grateful to have the opportunity to share my global experiences and hear about the global experiences of my friends. I was happy to be a part of the first GIP event of the year and I can't wait for the many more events to come.