Thursday, September 15, 2016

September 15th, 2016: Capstone Project Update

One of the ranch dogs in Baja
After some meetings with Ms. Diederich and Mrs. Ramirez, I have a clearer idea of my capstone project. As you may or may not have previously read, I had an amazing time in Baja and learned a lot about sustainability and ranchero culture. For my Capstone Project, I decided to focus on the how having a symbiotic relationship with animals promotes sustainability. In order to preserve the practice of sustainability, it is essential that we maintain a balance with animals. We have to have a symbiotic relationship, which means that both parties are getting something and one isn't just exploiting the other. I want to share this information with students in either the Middle or Lower school because it is important to plant seeds about ideas of sustainability early on. I want to show them that they have the key to sustainability: believing you are a part of the natural system not above it.

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