Wednesday, April 12, 2017

April 12th, 2017: The Big Finale!

Today my last 4 years of GIP work came to its culmination. I had the great opportunity to present my project to Ms.Bartucca's Freshman World Cultures: Africa class. My final GIP project was titled, "The Key to Sustainable Agriculture: A Symbiotic Relationship with Animals." The general focus of my project was using my experiences in Baja, Dominica and Jameson Ranch as inspiration for my project researching sustainable agriculture. I focused on Africa because I wanted to see the impact sustainability could have on a culture other than those I had experienced. I really enjoyed teaching the World Cultures: Africa class, I loved sharing the concept of Sustainable Agriculture with the freshmen because they really are the generation we need to start teaching to respect their environment and balance the idea of need vs want. I felt that this class, in particular, was very engaged in the topic I was discussing. At the end of my presentation, I quizzed the kids and they were able to remember very specific details about my presentation. I loved their attention to detail and it really helped validate my feeling that the lesson went well. When I went around the room and talked to the kids individually about what their favorite thing they learned was, I was surprised to find that none of them mentioned the gross video about tapeworms I showed them. All their favorite facts were very mature and informational points of information about how animals relate to sustainable agriculture. I'm not sure if there was much that I would change besides maybe having another interactive element to just help solidify the information they learned. I was really glad to hear from Mr. Caragher and Ms. Ramirez that they admired how my presentation highlighted the positive aspects of Africa and showed that there is hope in a country we so often hear horrible things about. I really loved this opportunity and I'm glad I chose to teach a class for my project because it was a very engaging experience that will definitely help me in the years to come! 
Click here to link to my powerpoint if you are interested! 

(Pictures to come soon!) 

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