Sunday, November 27, 2016

November 17th, 2016: Stephen McAndrew and the Emergency International Red Cross

Image result for stephen mcandrew red crossStephen McAndrew was a fabulous speaker and I was really appreciative of the opportunity to hear him speak. As a student who's going through the college application process, I was very surprised and relieved to hear that he had no intentions of working in the Red Cross. I was inspired by the fact he didn't have a set path and just started volunteering with the Red Cross to do something good for humankind. I was moved by his compassion and empathy. Mr. McAndrew really helped to bring to light very serious issues that we have had in our world regarding the refugee and Ebola crisis. Despite such solemn topics, Mr.McAndrew was able to bring some humor and joy into the room. His message of unity was really prominent to me. I now believe that unity in times of trouble rather than disconnect is the answer. I was so glad to listen to such an international superstar who has interacted with a huge variety of cultures. 

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